
The NuTraLab (Nutrition + Training + Laboratory) at Zieglergasse 6 is the research laboratory of the Department of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Health. Here, the influence of nutrition or defined nutrients in their combination with various forms of training (strength, endurance, vibration training) is investigated. The focus is on the scientific question of how nutrition and exercise have a synergistic effect on physiological functional processes or positively influence pathophysiological conditions in a preventive or rehabilitative way.

We now know that sport in combination with a balanced and needs-oriented diet not only promotes athletic performance, but also has a positive influence on the course of many chronic diseases in both preventive and therapeutic terms. Healthy nutrition and sport not only have a favorable influence on the risk profile for diseases such as diabetes or arteriosclerosis, but can also contribute to maintaining muscle strength and muscle function.

Both are indispensable for living as long as possible in independence and self-responsibility.