Research projects

Evaluation on the BVA project "healthy school" - health promotion action in schools: teacher's health


The insurance institution "Versicherungsanstalt öffentlich Bediensteter" (BVA) offers a large number of health promotion actions and assistance in process design for schools that show interest in that matter. The BVA's offers include guidance, speeches, workshops and financial grants. Building collaborations with schools of education is in the center of interest for the project. Both qualitative and quantitative surveys were performed in the project's evaluation which was carried out externally by the University of Vienna. Interviews with focus groups consisting of health teams and individual interviews with school administrators were conducted. In addition to that a discussion within the BVA's project team was part of the evaluation. The interviews have been transliterated and a content analysis has been performed. Furthermore the participants' written feedback on the training courses "healthy school" which took place at the PH / KPH Vienna was analyzed. All in all the project was rated very positively. Although there were differences in the evaluation results of the teacher's estimated state of health within the three participating schools, an overall positive feedback on the BVA project was given and continuing the project is desired. The results of the feedback questionnaires on the training courses were mostly positive.

The participating health teams, the school administrators and the BVA project team are convinced of project's the sense of purpose and the practical implementation. Moreover they emphasize the importance of the teacher's health.


Contact: Mag. Dr. Christina Mogg,

Project duration: 2016-2017