- International Network to Implement EU Physical Activity Guidelines on Infrastructure Development


The project is funded by the EU as part of ERASMUS +, the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport. 17 research institutes, sport organizations and political actors from Austria, Finland, Germany, Italy, Lithuania and the Netherlands participate in the project.

The aim of is to execute measures in the field of physical activity related and sports-oriented infrastructure development according to the 2013 published HEPA recommendations of the Council of the European Union. Especially the IMPALA Guidelines (“European Guidelines for Improving Infrastructures for Leisure­Time Physical Activity in the Local Arena”), which were developed in an earlier project, are to be implemented increasingly and put on the political agenda in the participating EU-member states. Thereby shall make a contribution to improving the implementation of physical activity and sports infrastructure development measures on a national level.

The project aims at building capacities within relevant organizations, especially national sports organizations, which are to take a lead on promoting health enhancing physical activity in the future.

In the course of the project cross-sectoral National Alliances in six EU-member states will be established to carry out a policy development, training and implementation scheme in the form of National Action Plans which will be used to implement the IMPALA Guidelines. Furthermore national sports organizations will be strengthened with these measures to enable them to take the lead on the continuation of the National Alliances and the implementation of the National Action Plans.