Training Science

News & Events


Training processes with top experts: Pit Hausemer, Christoph Soukup and Mathias Wiese. Join us on June 5, 2024 from 4 to 6 p.m. in USZ I, lecture hall...


How carbohydrates influence endurance performance! - new publication in Sports Medicine Open


Strong to success: The interaction of sprinting, jumping and maximum strength in talented young soccer players

Our doctoral candidate Björn Kadlubowski has published a research paper investigating the relationship between jumping and sprinting performance in...


Our doctoral candidate Peter Raidl presented the research project "Stress and Physical Exercise" at the symposium of the research platform The Stress...


Does sport help combat stress in everyday life? - Interview with Peter Raidl

Our doctoral student Peter Raidl was interviewed in "Die Presse" on the subject of "Stress and sport".


New study confirms: Multimodal and conventional strength training increases muscle function in seniors