Project SETT - Seeking Physiotherapists and Sports Scientists.


The FH Campus Wien is creating a reference database for everyday movements and exercises performed by healthy movement experts in the SETT project. Currently, male physiotherapists and sports scientists are still being sought for this purpose.

If you meet the inclusion criteria or know someone who does, participate or pass on the information.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Physiotherapist / Sports Scientist
  • 45 – 65 years old
  • Male (biological gender)
  • BMI 18.5 – 29.99 kg/m2
  • Healthy (regarding musculoskeletal system and symmetric movement behavior)
    • e.g., no previous injuries in the knee, hip, or ankle, and no prolonged/repeated complaints in the lumbar spine
  • No pain in the legs, pelvis, and lumbar spine in the last 6 months
  • Leg axes and posture within the physiological range

Process / Benefit:

  • 3 hours time commitment
  • Measurement in the movement laboratory at FH Campus Wien
  • €60 compensation
  • Personal bioimpedance analysis
  • Insight into personal everyday movement behavior

Further information is available here.