Gustavo Zaccaria Schaun, B.Sc. PhD
T: +43-1-4277-59163
Sprechstunde: Please arrange appointments via email
Sommersemester 2025
350158 SE BA3I - Bachelorarbeit - Abt. G - Fachgruppen: Biologische Aspekte SPOWI / TW
350179 UE Begleitung der Abfassung einer Bachelorarbeit - Abt. G - Fachgruppen: Biologische Aspekte SPOWI / TW
Wintersemester 2024
350167 SE BA3I - Bachelorarbeit - Abt. B - Fachgruppen: Biologische Aspekte SPOWI / TW
350171 UE Begleitung der Abfassung einer Bachelorarbeit - Abt. B - Fachgruppen: Biologische Aspekte SPOWI / TW
350227 UE BF1I - Training Processes - Abt. B
Sommersemester 2024
350158 SE BA3I - Bachelorarbeit - Abt. G - Fachgruppen: Biologische Aspekte SPOWI / TW
350179 UE Begleitung der Abfassung einer Bachelorarbeit - Abt. G - Fachgruppen: Biologische Aspekte SPOWI / TW
Schaun, G. Z., Raidl, P., Andrade, L. S., David, G. B., Marins, E. F., Häfele, M. S., Pinto, S. S., Csapo, R., & Alberton, C. L. (2025). Examining the test–retest reliability of commonly used neuromuscular, morphological, and functional measures in aging adults. GeroScience.
Schaun, G. Z., Orcy, R. B., & Del Vecchio, F. B. (2024). A Comparative Analysis of Acute Physiological and Perceptual Responses in Whole-Body and Ergometer-Based High-Intensity Interval Training Protocols. Sports, 12(6), Artikel 166.
Schaun, G. Z., Gumpenberger, M., Konermann, L., Graf, A., Raidl, P., Wessner, B., & Csapo, R. (2024). Multimodal and conventional resistance training interventions improve muscle function in older adults: Findings from the training IMCT study. Experimental Gerontology, 188, Artikel 112378.
Costa, V. A. B., Midgley, A. W., Baumgart, J. K., Carroll, S., Astorino, T. A., Schaun, G. Z., Fonseca, G. F., & Cunha, F. A. (2024). Confirming the attainment of maximal oxygen uptake within special and clinical groups: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiopulmonary exercise test and verification phase protocols. PLoS ONE, 19(3), Artikel e0299563.
Valério, M. V., Schaun, G. Z., Andrade, L. S., David, G. B., Orcy, R. B., Rombaldi, A. J., & Alberton, C. L. (2024). Caffeine Supplementation Effects on Concurrent Training Performance in Resistance-Trained Men: A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Crossover Study. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 95(2), 546-554.
Berní, F. C., Kanitz, A. C., Miranda, C., de Oliveira, D. B., Bergamin, M., Bullo, V., Schaun, G. Z., & Alberton, C. L. (2023). Effects of a remotely supervised physical training program combined with cognitive training for older individuals at increased risk of clinical-functional vulnerability: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial. Trials, 24(1), Artikel 547.
Feter, N., Schaun, G. Z., Smith, E. C., Cassuriaga, J., Alt, R., Redig, L., Alberton, C. L., Coombes, J. S., & Rombaldi, A. J. (2023). High-velocity resistance training improves executive function in mobility-limited older adults. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 114, Artikel 105081.
Calonego, C., Alberton, C. L., Santagnello, S. B., Schaun, G. Z., Petrarca, C. R., Umpierre, D., Portella, E. G., Andrade, L. S., Pinheiro, R. B., Gomes, M. L. B., Häfele, M. S., David, G. B., Pinto, R. S., Henkin, J. S., & Pinto, S. S. (2023). Impact of Resistance Training Volume on Physical and Perceptual Outcomes of Breast Cancer Survivors Submitted to a Combined Training Program: A Randomized, Single-Blinded Study. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 20(3), 204-216.
Häfele, M. S., Alberton, C. L., Häfele, V., Schaun, G. Z., Nunes, G. N., Calonego, C., Castro, T. F., Andrade, L. S., & Pinto, S. S. (2023). Water-Based Training Programs Improve Functional Capacity, Cognitive and Hemodynamic Outcomes? The ACTIVE Randomized Clinical Trial. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 94(1), 24-34.
David, G. B., Schaun, G. Z., Mendes, A. R., Nunes, G. N., Bocalini, D. S., Pinto, S. S., & Alberton, C. L. (2022). Short-Term Effects of Land-Based Versus Water-Based Resistance Training Protocols on Post-Exercise Hypotension in Normotensive Men: A Crossover Study. Sports, 10(11), Artikel 181.
Schaun, G. Z., Bamman, M. M., Andrade, L. S., David, G. B., Krüger, V. L., Marins, E. F., Nunes, G. N., Häfele, M. S., Mendes, G. F., Gomes, M. L. B., Campelo, P. C., Pinto, S. S., & Alberton, C. L. (2022). High-velocity resistance training mitigates physiological and functional impairments in middle-aged and older adults with and without mobility-limitation. GeroScience, 44(3), 1175-1197.
Häfele, M. S., Alberton, C. L., Schaun, G. Z., Häfele, V., Nunes, G. N., Andrade, L. S., & Pinto, S. S. (2022). Quality of life responses after combined and aerobic water-based training programs in older women: a randomized clinical trial (ACTIVE Study). Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 34(5), 1123-1131.
Häfele, M. S., Alberton, C. L., Schaun, G. Z., Nunes, G. N., Brasil, B., Alves, M. M., Andrade, L. S., & Pinto, S. S. (2022). Aerobic and combined water-based trainings in older women: Effects on strength and cardiorespiratory outcomes. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 62(2), 177-183.
Schaun, G. Z., Alberton, C. L., Brizio Gomes, M. L., Mendes, G. F., Häfele, M. S., Andrade, L. S., Campelo, P. C., Ferreira, H. K., Oppelt, L. L., Galliano, L. M., Alves, L., de Ataides, V. A., Carmona, M. A., Lázaro, R., Pinto, S. S., & Wilhelm, E. N. (2022). Exercise intervention does not reduce the likelihood of VO2max underestimation in older adults with hypertension. Journal of Sports Sciences, 40(12), 1399-1405.
Schaun, G. Z., & Alberton, C. L. (2022). Using Bodyweight as Resistance Can Be a Promising Avenue to Promote Interval Training: Enjoyment Comparisons to Treadmill-Based Protocols. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 93(1), 162-170.
Schaun, G. Z., Bamman, M. M., & Alberton, C. L. (2021). High-velocity resistance training as a tool to improve functional performance and muscle power in older adults. Experimental Gerontology, 156, Artikel 111593.
Gomes, M. B., Andrade, L., Nunes, G. N., Weymar, M. K., Schaun, G., & Alberton, C. L. (2021). The Role of Water-Based Exercise on Vertical Ground Reaction Forces in Overweight Children: A Pilot Study. Obesities.
Diniz, R., Del Vecchio, F. B., Schaun, G. Z., Oliveira, H. B., Portella, E. G., Da Silva, E. S., Formalioni, A., Campelo, P. C. C., Peyré-Tartaruga, L. A., & Pinto, S. S. (2021). Kinematic Comparison of the Roundhouse Kick Between Taekwondo, Karate, and Muaythai. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 35(1), 198-204.
Schaun, G. Z., Alberton, C. L., Gomes, M. L. B., Santos, L. P., Bamman, M. M., Mendes, G. F., Häfele, M. S., Andrade, L. S., Alves, L., De Ataides, V. A., Carmona, M. A., Lázaro, R., Botton, C. E., Umpierre, D., Pinto, S. S., & Wilhelm, E. N. (2021). Maximal Oxygen Uptake Is Underestimated during Incremental Testing in Hypertensive Older Adults: Findings from the HAEL Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 53(7), 1452-1459.
Andrade, L. S., Kanitz, A. C., Häfele, M. S., Schaun, G. Z., Pinto, S. S., & Alberton, C. L. (2020). Relationship between oxygen uptake, heart rate, and perceived effort in an aquatic incremental test in older women. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(22), 1-12. Artikel 8324.
Institut für Sport- und Bewegungswissenschaft
Auf der Schmelz 6 (USZ I)
1150 Wien
Zimmer: 2.I/04
T: +43-1-4277-59163