Vision Statement

Within the field of Lifelong Health Promotion and Education at the Institute of Sport and Movement Science, we envision a world where individuals of all ages are empowered to lead healthy, active, and fulfilling lives through scientifically grounded practices in movement, sports, and physical education. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, we integrate knowledge from biomechanics, data analytics, medicine, molecular biology, nutrition, pedagogy, psychology, public health, sociology, and training science to promote lifelong health and well-being.

Our mission is to bridge the gap between basic and applied research and practical application, fostering a holistic understanding of physical activity’s impact on both body and mind, from childhood to old age. By combining natural and behavioral sciences, we aim to advance cutting-edge research, improve health outcomes, and educate the next generation of professionals in health promotion.

We are committed to science communication, ensuring our research reaches communities, schools, policymakers, and the general public so that the benefits of movement and health education can be shared by all. In doing so, we strive to be a leader in promoting lifelong physical health and fostering positive behavioral change for a healthier, more active society.



Lifelong Health Promotion and Education

Sport in verschiedenen Gesellschaften. Ein Vergleich der Sportidentitäten und -motivation von Wettkampfsportlern in Österreich, der Tschechischen Republik und den USA (FWF-Projekt)

Lifelong Health Promotion and Education


Sonntag, 22. Mai 2011 - Abschluss-Meeting zum PASEO-Projekt in Brüssel


Vom 22.-23. Mai 2011 findet in Brüssel die...

Lifelong Health Promotion and Education

IMPALA – IMProving Infrastructures for Leisure-Time Physical Activity in the Local Arena

Lifelong Health Promotion and Education

"Minigolf kommt zu dir!" Bewegungsangebot für ältere Menschen in Wiener Pensionistenwohnhäusern.

Ein Projekt der Minigolfcompany und der Universität...

Lifelong Health Promotion and Education

EU-Projekt "Altern - Behinderung - Adapted Physical Activity"


"Altern und Behinderung - Ein neuer Ansatz zur Verbindung von Bewegung, sozialer...

Lifelong Health Promotion and Education

MOVEAT - ein ambulantes Langzeit-Therapie-Programm für übergewichtige Menschen mit Down-Syndrom sowie deren Umfeld, mit den Schwerpunkten Ernährung...