Assoz. Prof. Mag. Hans Kainz, Privatdoz. MSc PhD
Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung
Leiter der Neuromechanik-Forschungsgruppe
Researchgate: @hans_kainz
Sommersemester 2025
350046 SE BA3I - Bachelorarbeit - Abt. H - Fachgruppen: Biomechanik, Neuromechanik und Sportinformatik
350049 UE Begleitung der Abfassung einer Bachelorarbeit - Abt. H - Fachgruppen: Biomechanik, Neuromechanik und Sportinformatik
Wintersemester 2024
350147 SE BA3I - Bachelorarbeit - Abt. A - Fachgruppen: Biomechanik, Neuromechanik und Sportinformatik
350151 UE Begleitung der Abfassung einer Bachelorarbeit - Abt. A - Fachgruppen: Biomechanik, Neuromechanik und Sportinformatik
Sommersemester 2024
350046 SE BA3I - Bachelorarbeit - Abt. H - Fachgruppen: Biomechanik, Neuromechanik und Sportinformatik
350049 UE Begleitung der Abfassung einer Bachelorarbeit - Abt. H - Fachgruppen: Biomechanik, Neuromechanik und Sportinformatik
Kaufmann, P., Koller, W., Wallnöfer, E. K., Goncalves, B., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2024). Increased trial-to-trial similarity and reduced temporal overlap of muscle synergy activation coefficients manifest during learning and with increasing movement proficiency. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Artikel 17638.
Koller, W., Wallnöfer, E. K., Holder, J., Kranzl, A., Mindler, G., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2024). Increased knee flexion in participants with cerebral palsy results in altered stresses at the distal femoral growth plate compared to a typically developing cohort. Gait & Posture, 113, 158-166.
Kainz, H., Koller, W., Wallnöfer, E. K., Bader, T., Mindler, G., & Kranzl, A. (2024). A framework based on subject-specific musculoskeletal models and Monte Carlo simulations to personalize muscle coordination retraining. Scientific Reports, 14, Artikel 3567. Vorzeitige Online-Publikation.
Koller, W., Kranzl, A., Mindler, G., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2024). Advanced multi-scale mechanobiological simulations enable the distinction between healthy and pathological bone growth patterns. Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS).
Schwartz, MH., Ries, AJ., Georgiadis, AG., & Kainz, H. (2024). Demonstrating the utility of Instrumented Gait Analysis in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy. PLoS ONE.
Exel, J., Kaufmann, P., Platzer, L., Karner, M., Gáspari, A., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2024). Effects of fatigue and different crimp sizes on muscle synergies during dead hangs: A pilot study on climbers. ISBS - International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Proceedings, 42.
Widhalm, K., Maul, L., Durstberger, S., Putz, P., Leder-Berg, S., Kainz, H., & Augat, P. (2024). Efficacy of Real-Time Feedback Exercise Therapy in Patients Following Total Hip Arthroplasty: Protocol for a Pilot Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR research protocols.
Koller, W., Wallnöfer, E. K., Holder, J., Kranzl, A., Mindler, G., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2024). ESMAC Best Paper Award 2023: Increased knee flexion in participants with cerebral palsy results in altered stresses at the distal femoral growth plate compared to a typically developing cohort. Gait & Posture.
Pürzel, A., Kaufmann, P., Koller, W., Deimel, D., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2024). Hip moment icreases while knee and ankle moments remain constant during squats with increasing loads in elite powerlifters. ISBS - International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Proceedings, 42(1), 776-779.
Kaufmann, P., Koller, W., Wallnöfer, E. K., Goncalves, B., Scheer, C., Exel, J., Froschauer, O., Hlavac, C., Wiplinger, M., Zweier, L., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2024). Human motor control during movements with high demands. Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS).
Goncalves, B., Pürzel, A., Koller, W., Deimel, D., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2024). Impact of femoral morphology on muscle and joint loads during high-load squats in elite powerlifters. ISBS - International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Proceedings, 42(1).
Kaufmann, P., Zweier, L., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2024). Muscle synergies are shared across fundamental subtasks in complex movements of skateboarding. Scientific Reports.
Kainz, H., Falisse, A., & Pizzolato, C. (2024). Neuromusculoskeletal modeling in health and disease. Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior.
Guggenberger, B., Horsak, B., Habersack, A., Kruse, A., Smith, C. R., Kainz, H., & Svelik, M. (2024). Patient-specific gait pattern in individuals with patellofemoral instability reduces knee joint loads. Scientific Report .
Horsak, B., Kainz, H., & Dumphart, B. (2024). Repeatability and minimal detectable change including clothing effects for smartphone-based 3D markerless motion capture. Journal of Biomechanics.
Wallnöfer, E. K., Egner, C., Csapo, R., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2024). Triceps surae muscle forces during walking and dancing across varied footwear. ISBS - International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Proceedings.
Exel, J., Deimel, D., Koller, W., Werle, C., Baca, A., Maffiodo, D., Sensana, R., Colombo, A., & Kainz, H. (2023). Neuromechanics of finger hangs with arm lock-offs: analyzing joint moments and muscle activations to improve practice guidelines for climbing. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5, Artikel 1251089.
Kainz, H., Mindler, G. T., & Kranzl, A. (2023). Influence of femoral anteversion angle and neck-shaft angle on muscle forces and joint loading during walking. PLoS ONE, 18(10), Artikel e0291458.
Koller, W., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2023). The gait pattern and not the femoral morphology is the main contributor to asymmetric hip joint loading. PLoS ONE, 18(9), Artikel e0291789.
Kaufmann, P., Koller, W., Wallnöfer, E., Goncalves, B., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2023, Sep 22). Trial-to-trial similarity and distinctness of muscle synergy activation coefficients increases during learning and with a higher level of movement proficiency. Vorzeitige Online-Publikation.
Institut für Sport- und Bewegungswissenschaft
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