Sports Medicine, Exercise Physiology and Prevention
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Free series of events for athletes, trainers, doctors and patients
Veranstaltungsreihe der Abteilung Sportmedizin, des Instituts für Sportwissenschaft der Universität Wien und des ÖISM
Ab 04.10.2023 - für...
Assoz. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Barbara Wessner, Privatdoz. explains the fundamental aspects of genetics in sports to the viewers of ARTE.
Appearance of Assoz. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Barbara Wessner, Privatdoz. in a ZDF documentary on the subject of genetics and physical performance
Nach mehrjähriger Pause fand der Kongress wieder in Präsenz statt
Does a Physical Activity Intervention on Classroom-Based Ergometers During Teaching Lessons Effect Physical Fitness, Body Composition, and...