Basilio Goncalves, MSc PhD
Basilio Goncalves

Basilio Goncalves

External lecturer, Postdoc

  • Department of Sport and Human Movement Science
  • Department of Sport and Human Movement Science
Type of address: Postal address.


Increased trial-to-trial similarity and reduced temporal overlap of muscle synergy activation coefficients manifest during learning and with increasing movement proficiency

Kaufmann, P., Koller, W., Wallnöfer, E. K., Goncalves, B., Baca, A. & Kainz, H., Dec 2024, In: Scientific Reports. 14, 1, 17638.

Hip Contact Forces During Sprinting in Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome.

Gonçalves, BAM., Saxby, DJ., Meinders, E., Barrett, RS. & Diamond, LE., Mar 2024, In: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 56, 3, p. 402-410 9 p.

Human motor control during movements with high demands

Kaufmann, P., Koller, W., Wallnöfer, E. K., Goncalves, B., Scheer, C., Exel, J., Froschauer, O., Hlavac, C., Wiplinger, M., Zweier, L., Baca, A. & Kainz, H., 2024, In: Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS).

Impact of femoral morphology on muscle and joint loads during high-load squats in elite powerlifters

Goncalves, B., Pürzel, A., Koller, W., Deimel, D., Baca, A. & Kainz, H., 2024, In: ISBS - International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Proceedings. 42, 1

Effects of jaw clenching and mental stress on persistent inward currents estimated by two different methods

Mesquita, R. N. O., Taylor, J. L., Trajano, G. S., Holobar, A., Gonçalves, B. A. M. & Blazevich, A. J., Nov 2023, In: European Journal of Neuroscience. 58, 9, p. 4011-4033 23 p.

Trial-to-trial similarity and distinctness of muscle synergy activation coefficients increases during learning and with a higher level of movement proficiency

Kaufmann, P., Koller, W., Wallnöfer, E., Goncalves, B., Baca, A. & Kainz, H., 22 Sept 2023, (E-pub ahead of print)

Effects of simulated healthy gait patters in children with idiopathic torsion deformities

Goncalves, B., Koller, W., Schmitz, K., Baca, A., Kainz, H. & Kranzl, A., Sept 2023, In: Gait & Posture. 106, Supplement 1, p. 68 1 p.

Intra- and inter-subject variability of femoral growth plate stresses in typically developing children and children with cerebral palsy

Koller, W., Gonçalves, B., Baca, A. & Kainz, H., 24 Feb 2023, In: Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology. 11, 15 p., 1140527.

Department of Sport and Human Movement Science

Auf der Schmelz 6a (USZ II)
1150 Wien
Room: 2.07