IACSS Symposium in Moskow


IACSS Symposium in Moskow: Several researchers and members of the department participated at the symposium of the International Association of Computer Science in Sports (IACSS).


Several researchers and members of the department participated at the symposium of the International Association of Computer Science in Sports (IACSS).


Martin Dobiasch präsentierte die Beiträge:

Dobiasch, Stöckl & Baca
Direct mobile coaching & a software framework for the creation of mobile feedback systems


Daxenbichler, Stöckl, Baca & Dobiasch

Guiding runners through speed-based tasks. A pilot study.


Philipp Kornfeind referierte über das Projekt Te(a)chIn Sport


Prof. Baca stellte das Erasmus+ kofinanzierte Projekt “Match Point” gemeinsam mit dem Projektpartner Prof. Jürgen Perl vor.


Additionally, Philipp Kornfeind was appointed as new treasurer of the IACSS.