VOICE - Voices for truth and dignity: Combatting sexualized violence through the voices of those affected


Background and aims of the project

In 2014 the European Union acknowledged that "gender based violence in sport, especially sexual harassment and abuse of minors, is a significant problem but requires additional research so that it can be better understood". The VOICE project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and aims at combatting sexualized violence through the voices of those affected.

The VOICE project acts on this premise and aims to prioritise the voices of those who have been affected by sexual violence, abuse and exploitation in sport. VOICE will generate a crucial evidence-base from life-history interviews across 8 European countries. The accounts of those who have been affected by sexual violence will be used as a platform to produce knowledge-exchange and educational resources. The objective is to enhance the sports communitiy's capacity to combat sexual violence and strengthen the integrity of sport.

A crucial feature of the project will be the staging of 8 Acknowledgement Forums across Europe with key stakeholders from the sport and victim-support communities. Those affected by sexual exploitation and abuse in sport will be at the center of the project. Their experiences will help sport organisations to develp a deeper understanding of thes problem and therefore, a greater capacity to prevent it within their own settings.

Call for participants

This is an open invitation for individuals who have been affected by sexual exploitation, harassment or abuse in sport to participate in this major European research project. This would involve participating in an interview with an experienced researcher in your own country. We assure you that all information will be treated confidentiality. Please do not hesitate to contact us. Further details concerning the project can be found on the VOICE-Homepage.

Ass. Prof. Dr. Rosa Diketmüller
Zentrum für Sportwissenschaft und
Universitätssport der Universität Wien
Email: rosa.diketmueller@univie.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 4277 48813

Ursula Rumpler, Bakk.
Zentrum für Sportwissenschaft und
Universitätssport der Universität Wien
Email: ursula.rumpler@univie.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 4277 9806206

Project duration: January 2016 - June 2018

Website: http://voicesfortruthanddignity.eu/
