Vision Statement

Our research focuses on optimizing, maintaining, and restoring human physical performance through the implementation and evaluation of effective, evidence-based interventions. Analyzing performance is crucial for the success of interventions and the planning and control of training processes in various competitive sporting, educational, and therapeutic settings.

We integrate physiological findings, including biomarker research, with advanced training methods, cutting-edge technologies, mental preparation techniques, data analysis, in-silico simulations and digital transformation to achieve our goals. We maintain close contact with key stakeholders, such as the Olympic Committee, national sports federations, relevant public institutions, and athletes, including some of our students, to ensure the relevance and impact of our work. 


Human Performance

Intermittent hypoxia-hyperoxia training intervention in elite cyclists

Human Performance


FFG - Biomarkers for the monitoring of exertion and recovery

Human Performance

Ageing Athletes

Human Performance

Mental game is an essential part of any top performance

Human Performance

Biomarkers from the earlobe

Human Performance