Dr. Clara Scheer, MSc.

Division of Sport Psychology
Department of Sport Science
University of Vienna
Auf der Schmelz 6a (USZ II)
A-1150 Vienna, Austria

Office: 01.11
Phone: +43-1-4277-58825
Email: clara.scheer@univie.ac.at

Currently on maternity leave.
Appointments only by arrangement

Courses taught by Clara Scheer



Through my background in biology and my psychological focus during my Ph.D., my research interest lies in the interdependence of psychological and physiological factors and how both affect social interactions. At the Division of Sport Psychology, I study the physiological aspects of a team collapse, as in choking under pressure of several members of a group. I am specifically interested in emotion contagion and physiological synchrony during high pressure situations in sports competitions and during music performances. By applying psychophysiological methods, such as biofeedback and psychoeducation, I investigate how athletes and musicians could prevent themselves from being negatively affected by strong emotions of their team members.