Assoz. Prof. Mag. Hans Kainz, Privatdoz. MSc PhD
Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung
Leiter der Neuromechanik-Forschungsgruppe
Researchgate: @hans_kainz
Wintersemester 2024
350147 SE BA3I - Bachelorarbeit - Abt. A - Fachgruppen: Biomechanik, Neuromechanik und Sportinformatik
350151 UE Begleitung der Abfassung einer Bachelorarbeit - Abt. A - Fachgruppen: Biomechanik, Neuromechanik und Sportinformatik
Sommersemester 2024
350046 SE BA3I - Bachelorarbeit - Abt. H - Fachgruppen: Biomechanik, Neuromechanik und Sportinformatik
350049 UE Begleitung der Abfassung einer Bachelorarbeit - Abt. H - Fachgruppen: Biomechanik, Neuromechanik und Sportinformatik
Wintersemester 2023
Koller, W., Wallnöfer, E. K., Holder, J., Kranzl, A., Mindler, G., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2024). Increased knee flexion in participants with cerebral palsy results in altered stresses at the distal femoral growth plate compared to a typically developing cohort. Gait & Posture, 113, 158-166.
Kainz, H., Koller, W., Wallnöfer, E. K., Bader, T., Mindler, G., & Kranzl, A. (2024). A framework based on subject-specific musculoskeletal models and Monte Carlo simulations to personalize muscle coordination retraining. Scientific Reports, 14, [3567].
Exel, J., Deimel, D., Koller, W., Werle, C., Baca, A., Maffiodo, D., Sensana, R., Colombo, A., & Kainz, H. (2023). Neuromechanics of finger hangs with arm lock-offs: analyzing joint moments and muscle activations to improve practice guidelines for climbing. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5, [1251089].
Kainz, H., Mindler, G. T., & Kranzl, A. (2023). Influence of femoral anteversion angle and neck-shaft angle on muscle forces and joint loading during walking. PLoS ONE, 18(10), [e0291458].
Koller, W., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2023). The gait pattern and not the femoral morphology is the main contributor to asymmetric hip joint loading. PLoS ONE, 18(9), [e0291789].
Kaufmann, P., Koller, W., Wallnöfer, E., Goncalves, B., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2023, Sep 22). Trial-to-trial similarity and distinctness of muscle synergy activation coefficients increases during learning and with a higher level of movement proficiency.
Goncalves, B., Koller, W., Schmitz, K., Baca, A., Kainz, H., & Kranzl, A. (2023). Effects of simulated healthy gait patters in children with idiopathic torsion deformities. Gait & Posture, 106(Supplement 1), 68.
Koller, W., Elias, W., Holder, J., Kranzl, A., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2023). Femoral growth plate stresses in children with cerebral palsy compared to typically developing children. Gait & Posture, 106(Supplement 1), 102-103.
Guggenberger, B., Horsak, B., Habersack, A., Smith, C., Svehlik, M., & Kainz, H. (2023). Internal lower limb rotation increases patella cartilage pressure in individuals with patellofemoral instability. Gait & Posture, 106(Supplement 1), 71-72. http://10.1016/j.gaitpost.2023.07.088
Kainz, H., Koller, W., Wallnöfer, E., Mindler, G., & Kranzl, A. (2023). Musculoskeletal modelling informed muscle coordination re-training to reduce knee joint loads. Gait & Posture, 106(Supplement 1), 236-237.
Wallnöfer, E. K., Kaufmann, P., Koller, W., & Kainz, H. (2023). Influences of EMG-informed musculoskeletal simulation approaches on estimations of lower limb muscle and joint contact forces. Gait & Posture, 100(Supplement 1), 7-8.
Koller, W., Kranzl, A., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2023). Net joint moments versus internal joint loading: Can we trust correlations between joint moments and contact forces from generic-scaled models? Gait & Posture, 100(Supplement 1), 3-4.
Koller, W., Gonçalves, B., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2023). Intra- and inter-subject variability of femoral growth plate stresses in typically developing children and children with cerebral palsy. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 11, [1140527].
Kainz, H., & Jonkers, I. (2023). Imaging-based musculoskeletal models alter muscle and joint contact forces but do not improve the agreement with experimentally measured electromyography signals in children with cerebral palsy. Gait & Posture, 100, 91-95.
Kainz, H., & Kranzl, A. (2022). In-toeing gait requires less muscular effort and reduces lower limb joint loads in people with internal torsional deformities. Gait & Posture, 97(Supplement 1), 391-392.
Guggenberger, B., Horsak, B., Habersack, A., Smith, C., Svehlik, M., & Kainz, H. (2022). The influence of different walking strategies on patellofemoral and tibiofemoral contact forces in individuals with patellofemoral instability. Gait & Posture, 97(Supplement 1), 68-69.
Kainz, H., Koller, W., Kaufmann, P., Unglaube, F., Kranzl, A., & Baca, A. (2022). Impact of Bony Geometry on Static Optimization Based Estimations of Muscle Activations and Forces. in MATHMOD 2022 Discussion Contribution Volume: Discussion Contributions of the 10th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Vienna, Austria, July 27 – 29, 2022 (S. 15-16). ARGESIM-Report Band 17
Koller, W., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2022). Intra-Subject Variability of Femoral Growth Simulations Based on Personalized Finite Element Models. in ESB 2022: 27th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics: abstract book; 26 - 29 June 2022, Porto, Portugal (S. 384). European Society of Biomechanics.
Horsak, B., Simonlehner, M., Dumphart, B., Kainz, H., Killen, B., & Jonkers, I. (2022). Patella-femoral joint loading during the modified Star Excursion Balance Test: Preliminary results of an extensive simulation study. Gait & Posture, 97(Supplement 1), 5-6.
Kaufmann, P., Zweier, L., Baca, A., & Kainz, H. (2022). Shared Synergies Between Complex Movements. in ESB 2022: 27th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics : abstract book; 26. - 29. June 2022, Porto, Portugal (S. 368). European Society of Biomechanics.
Institut für Sport- und Bewegungswissenschaft
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