Expert discussion on the topics of performance, sport, growing up


The role of the performance issue in children's and youth sports

In a two-day expert discussion in October 2023 in Frankfurt/Main, the role of the performance issue in children's and youth sports was discussed by representatives of sports associations, sports practice, foundations and science.

The event was organized by Deutsche Schulsportstiftung, Institut für Angewandte Trainingswissenschaft, Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund, Deutsche Sportjugend and Forschungsverbund Kinder- und Jugendsport NRW and aimed to record criteria that provide optimal conditions for an exercise and sport-focused environment life through to the realization of competitive sports careers are crucial.

Stefan Meier explained the multitude of aspects that come into play in physical education lessons and pointed out that children and young people with very different requirements must be given the opportunity to experience themselves as achieving individuals and that their achievements must be recognized.

© Deutsche Sportjugend (dsj)